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Monday 24 March 2014

Creme Egg Brownies

Easter is around a month away and all of those tempting chocolate eggs are already on the shelves.  I remember as a kid making those chocolate cornflake 'nest' cakes was always part and parcel of the Easter holidays.  These Creme Egg Brownies are a richer, more indulgent treat but still quick and easy to make.

Whilst the top and edges will be crunchy the middle will stay lovely and moist.  My favourite part is cutting through to reveal the insides of those yummy little Creme Eggs!  If Creme Eggs aren't your thing you can easily swap them for any other types of mini treat (I'm thinking Rolos or Munchies would be amazing in this!).


125g unsalted butter
200g dark chocolate broken into pieces
170g caster sugar
3 eggs lightly beaten
150g plain flour
200g mini easter eggs

Preheat the oven to 180C and line an 18cm x 28cm cake pan with greaseproof/baking paper allowing a little to overhang on each side.

In a saucepan melt the butter and chocolate over a low heat stirring for 2-3 minutes or until completely melted.  Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar then set to one side for 5 minutes

Add the eggs, sift in the flour and mix until combined.  Pour into the cake pan and press all of the chocolate eggs into the mixture.

Bake for 20-25 minutes until the brownie is firm to touch.  Allow to cool completely in the pan before cutting into squares.

Using the same mixture you can make these brownie cups by popping a spoonful into one of these silicone cupcake cases.  Into each one I pushed a mini caramel filled egg into the centre, but again you could use any small chocolate treat.

As always let me know what you think if you try these out.

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