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Sunday 16 March 2014

Beauty Blogger Tag

Time for a good old tag.  I love reading these on other blogs, partially because I'm nosey but also because it is a great way to get to know other bloggers.  I've seen this one everywhere in the past so I thought I'd give this one a go.  Hope you enjoy!

1. Name a beauty routine you barely do.
I used to set aside one evening a week to pamper myself with a face mask and a luxurious body scrub.  I haven't done this in such a long time and I think I need to get this back into my routine.  It always helps me to feel relaxed and forget about anything that might be troubling me and of course makes my skin feel amazing.
2. Is washing your brushes something that you regularly do?
Um no.  I don't do it nearly as much as I should.
3. How long do you last with chipped nail varnish?
I can't stand chipped polish so I try to take it off sooner rather than later.  I'd say max 2 days.
4. How often do you put off buying/replacing a beauty item or nail polish, even if you need it? 
If it's something I really need I tend to pick up another one as I'm getting low so I don't run out.  For everything less essential I just grab one the next time I'm in Boots or wherever.
5. What is your worst beauty habit? 
Picking at spots.  Totally gross and a beauty no-no.  I bet we've all had those "if I just give it a gentle squeeze it will look so much better" but in reality it makes them look a million times worse!
6. Name something non-beauty related that you tend to put off all the time.
Ironing.  I don't know why but I just can't stand it!  It must be the most boring household chore ever.
7. When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready until the last-minute or not? 
Depends where I'm going really.  I'm a bit of a last minute larry which means I'm forever running late.
8. Can you commit to spending bans?
To put it simply... no!  I'm terrible at saving money unless I need it for a holiday or something big.
9. How organised is your make up and nail polish collection?
At the moment not very.  I moved at the end of November and I still haven't got around to sorting it out.  I just bought myself a dressing table however so I finally have somewhere to put it all.
10. What is the longest time you have gone without writing a blog post?
A good few months last year.  But I was having a blast travelling around Australia for a year so it's a pretty good excuse.

Leave me a comment if you have done this tag on your blog as I'd love to read your answers.


  1. Loved your answers Hun! It has inspired me to do too! It is really fab to get an insight into other beauty bloggers habits :) xx

    1. Thanks for reading. I agree, it's fun to know what other beauty bloggers routines and habits are.


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