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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Lacura All In One Skin Perfector BB Cream

I never used to like wearing foundation in my teens and early 20's (oh god, now I'm starting to feel old!) but I think I was pretty lucky in that I rarely felt like I needed to.  I used to get comments on how I looked like a porcelain doll.  I didn't have perfect skin but it was good enough that I didn't really have to bother wearing heavy make up thankfully.  On rare occasions I would pick one up just to give it a go and see if I could change my mind but every time I just couldn't stand the feel of it on my face.  In the last year or two I've started to feel like I need that little bit of coverage but I still don't want to coat my face in thick layers so I'm always on the look out for something lightweight and quick and easy to apply.  When I first came across BB creams I thought great, sounds perfect for me!
I first picked up 17's Blemish Balm in Light and for the first time every I started to enjoy wearing a base on my face.  The shade was perfect for my skin, however after spending time in the sun whilst in Australia (sorry, I know I bring this up in nearly every post at the moment!  I'm not bragging I swear, lol) it was just too light.  Make up seems to be so expensive here in comparison to the UK so I didn't want to spend a load on something that I might hate the feel of.  On our weekly trip to Aldi a few months ago I noticed they had a BB cream in their specials section.

I picked up a tube of their All In One Skin Perfector BB Cream in Medium which cost about $5.99.  I have really mixed feelings about this.  The shade is ok on my face, although at the moment I would probably benefit from using a bronzer, which I don't have.  I like the thick, creamy consistency and find it very easy to apply and achieve an even tone.  It doesn't cover everything, you can see below that I could have done with concealer under my eyes and that hideous red spot on my chin, but in all honesty I wasn't expecting it to give full coverage.  It did cover other minor blemishes but in reality this feels like it's just a tinted moisturiser.  I don't wear this every day but the times that I have it has lasted until the end of the day and still looked good.

My problem with this  BB cream is that it is incredibly oily and makes my face look very shiny on my forehead, chin and cheeks.  It would most likely be fine with a light dusting of loose powder over it but as I have non with me I can't try it.  I've managed so far just by lightly blotting the shiny patches with a tissue.

Have you tried any BB creams?  What did you think of them?

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