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Sunday, 30 June 2013

The Sunday Summary

I'm not going to lie, this week has been a big fat non-stop dollop of blahness.  There has been nothing exciting, nothing new and not much in the way of fun.  The job search still goes on and as hopeless as it seems right now I just have to keep going until something does come up but oh man is it depressing having no money to go shopping!  My boyfriend started his new job this week so we don't get to hangout anywhere near as much but on the rare occasion that we have had time together it's been extra lovely  :)  It's incredibly difficult being stuck back in the parental nest again.  I can't wait to be in our new home, where ever that will be, enjoying our evenings together.

For a couple of weeks I have felt quite stuck mostly thinking about the kind of career I want to have.  It's no secret to friends and family that I would love to train as a nail technician.  I have wanted to for many years but I always take on board the wrong advice from the wrong people and end up being put off.  Now I'm adamant that this is what I will be doing for a career in the near future, no matter what those wrong people say to me.  In between my job searches and blogging I have been looking into college courses and figuring out the financial aspects of it all.  It's not something I will be able to do straight away but it is something that I can look forward to!

Speaking of blogging I've had so much more time to blog recently and that certainly is something that makes me feel happy!  Although I can't afford to go out and buy new products at the moment I have enjoyed digging through my stash of unused and unfinished products.  I've rediscovered some old favourites and fallen in love with some new ones.  Of course I can't wait to be able to afford some new purchases from my wishlist (which grows longer by the day!) but for now this is good enough.

I hope you don't mind my rambly post today.  I'm not always good at talking about how I feel about things and sometimes it's just good to write it all down so that I can digest what's going on it this over active brain of mine.

Here's to next week being a more interesting one!

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