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Monday, 26 December 2011

Boudoir Prive November 2011

November contents:

I felt somewhat disappointed in this box compared to the others I had received so far.  There are some decent products, which I will talk about at a later date, but there was nothing I was truly excited about.  The feeling may have been amplified by the fact that it arrived very late.  The company claimed my original box was lost in the post and from what I see on their social networking sites it is a common thing for boxes to go missing.  They were more than happy to resend a box to me and a few days after emailing their customer service team I finally got my first box from them (they even sent the second one recorded delivery to make sure it arrived safely)

Was anyone else feeling a little let down by this box?
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Carmine Box November 2011

November contents:

Neom Real Luxury Body Lotion - £23.50 / 240ml
Dainty Doll Eyeliner Pencil (Night Train) - £10.50
New CID Cosmetics i-Pout (Pink Bliss) - £15.00

More in depth reviews to come.  What did you think of these products?  My personal favourite was the Dainty Doll Eyeliner.


GlossyBox October/November

I'm so behind on my reviews of these boxes.  I forget how busy it gets at work during this time of year and how much energy it uses up!  It's probably the most important time of year for me to remember to pamper myself with a bit of 'me time' and these boxes really do give me a great excuse for regular sessions.

Octobers contents:

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