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Saturday 6 December 2014


Another tag, purely because I've been too ill all day to sit at my computer and blog.  I didn't want to miss a day of Blogmas and saw this tag appear on a few blogs over the last few weeks.  Personally I quite like tag posts because I'm rather nosey!  Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave me your link in a comment if you have done this tag or are doing Blogmas!

What is your favourite part of winter?
Christmas of course, and it's my birthday in January too.  Other than that not a great deal!  Being wrapped up all cosy and drinking mammoth amounts of hot chocolate.

What do you dislike about winter? 
Being cold mostly, but also the fact that it is grey, damp and miserable most of the time.  And cold, did I mention that it's freezing cold???  Not even that bearable crisp dry cold but the awful damp, soggy, wet, sludgy cold.

What are your top 3 winter essentials?
Hot water bottle, lip balm and big cosy thick jumpers.

Name one thing that reminds you of winter.
The smell of log and coal fires.  My parents had a coal fire when we were growing up which I really loved.

What is your ultimate product for winter?
Other than lip balm I'd say hand cream as my skin gets really dry.

Is it snowing outside?
Nope, thankfully not!

What is your favourite hot drink for winter?
It's a tie between hot chocolate and warm spiced apple juice

What is your favourite winter movie to watch on cold days?
I can't think of anything in particular that I would watch on a cold day but as Christmas is in winter I'll go with my favourite festive movie and say Elf.

What is your favourite food to eat in the cold winter months?
It's got to be things like beef stew and shepherds pie, anything in a big pot that can be shared with the family.  I always seem to cook more roast dinners in the winter too.

If winter was all year round, what would you always spend your time doing?
Lying on a beach in a different country where the weather is much warmer!

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1 comment

  1. Omg jen I cannot believe the resemblance!! X


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